Monday, August 17, 2009

My Very First Blog!

So, I'm really new to this blog thing. My cousin, Raelynn, blogs regularly and it looked like fun, so here I am. I'm not really sure what people write on these things, so I guess I'll just blab and you can let me know if I'm "blogging" right!
I guess tonight is a great night to start since I have been home sick all day and I'm going Stir Crazy! I'm not sure what I have, but I sure can't keep anything in. We had Olive Garden last night and Jared was sick for just a stint, but my sickness keeps lingering. He made the joke today that maybe I am with child...I didn't think that was a very funny joke!
Lately, weddings have been keeping us very busy! I got to play the role of bridesmaid the first two weekends in August. First was for a very good friend of mine from High School, Lacey! She's seriously one of my idols! When we were seniors she became pregnant, but that didn't stop her. She went on to raise her baby girl, Hailey, all by herself and earned her masters degree in Accounting from USD and became a successful CPA!! Finally, she met the man of her dreams, Dave! He's not only a wonderful husband, but a wonderful dad to Hailey as well. I couldn't be happier for them.
Last weekend was my great friend, Chrissy's wedding. I met her a few years ago while going to school in Brookings. She's not only one of my besties, but my awesome hairstylist as well. Aside from numerous battles she's faced, she met the man of her dreams, Ryan. I've never seen a man love a woman so much. They are just perfect and the wedding was absoultely amazing!
Needless to say, we were happy to be able to stay at home this weekend. Friday night we got invited to a fish fry at our friends Corri and Seth's house. They just happen to be our neighbors as well!! After beer pong, jello shots, lots of fish and food, and good conversation with friends, we made our short journey home...laughing all the way!
We got a lot of work done on our house this weekend! I got the pleasure of staining and varnishing some woodwork that has yet to be put up in our house, such as the banister and railing for downstairs, and some misc. baseboard! Jared painted our office in Minnesota Twins blue and red with the TC logos on the wall. It looks amazing! :-) I don't think he minded locking himself in there to do that big project since I was sick and not pleasent to be around ;-) I guess that's one way to get a job done! Ha!
Well I suppose I'll leave my first blog at this for now! I'm not sure I'll have much more to write tomorrow, but i'll be back soon.


  1. I'll be a loyal follower!! Blog about your work your doing on the house, your nights out, ect... At first I was the same way, thinking nothing interesting is going on in my life that people will read, until I started reading other blogs and became inspired to do my own home decor stuff! You'll find your own grove!! Welcome to blog land, were glad to have you! Any questions call or email me, I'd love to help ya!!

  2. Good Luck and I will be looking forward to reading your blog. Uncle Dennis
