Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 2010...

So I'm back! I've decided that one of my new resolutions this year is to keep up on my blog!! I really really want to keep this resolution! I started this summer and lost interest fast. However, I have found lately that I love updating my status on facebook all too often on what i'm up to, so I figure this may be a more detailed, fun way to let the world in on my own little world!
Lets see...
Well since this is my first one of the year, I suppose I better update you! The end of the year was a good one for the most part! It ended with a huge snow storm and a trip to Vegas! The day before Christmas Eve a huge strom moved in on good ol' South Dakota! We had a flight scheduled for Christmas Eve night, that I was sure we were going to have to miss! Lucky for us, we made our flight and just after our take off, the airports and interstates were closed! Talk about "the nick of time"!
Once we got to Vegas Jared and I kicked up our feet and relaxed. We were not sad to leave the ice, wind, and 22 inches of snow behind at home. We spent some time with family, a whole day on the strip, and had lunch with an old high school friend. Great trip! Our day on the strip consisted of lots of Black Jack (we won!), some drinks, great seafood, and then the Bodies Exhibit! It was quite interesting to me, not so much to Jared, although he wasn't as grossed out as I thought he might be!! Who'd of though dead bodies could be so interesting...and so not gross!!!
So since we've been home, I've been working, working, working!! As of tomorrow, I'll have put in 53 hours in in the last 5 days, get one off and back for another 36!! UGH!! Then I get 3 days off!~ It's going to be a Jared and Marggie snugglefest!!! He's been gone to the Black Hills for the last four days to celebrate Christmas with his family...I sure miss him! He'll be home today!!! :-)
So I didn't have the best last day of 2009! I ended up having to have a cyst removed and getting 4 stiches! I did do my one good deed for 2010 (yes, i'm couting it for this year)! I let a student do my stitches! I guess I remember all too well what it was like to be a student! I definately made his day!! Unfortunately, I'm still in a stint of pain!
So this year is full of fun events! Here they are in a nutshell...thus far!!
January 8-9: Marggie and Jared Snugglefest 2010 (much needed weekend at home)
January 10: Possibly meeting one of my besties Wendy and her Fiance' Matt in Sioux Falls for dinner! In March, it'll have been a year since I've seen her! :-( They live in Boise, ID
March 19-21: Jared's yearly fishing trip, which in turn = Marggie's much needed girls weekend
May 22: My friend Debby's Wedding in Huron/Yale South Dakota
May 29th: I'm putting on the bachelorette party/bridal shower of the century for Loni. Yes, I'm going for Maid of Honor of the year award!!
June 12th: Jared's Cousin Hollist's Wedding. I believe it's in Flanderu, SD
June 19th: Loni and Brett's wedding in Iroquois/Huron SD. I'll be playing the part of MOH!! :-) Eeeek, I should pri start preparing my speech!
June 26th: Wendy and Matt's wedding in Chamberlin, SD. I'll be playing the part of Bridesmaid!! Yes, always a bridesmaid, never a bride...yet! ;-)
June 27-July 3rd: Recovering from all the weddings in June!!!
July 24th: Shalace and Jason's Wedding
August: No for sure dates, but Sturgis Rally, Jason and Sheena's wedding, and our 10 year, yes, 10 year class reunion this month!!
September 4th: Megan and Adams Wedding, Sioux city area
October: weddings this month! Maybe, just maybe there will be ;-)
November 6th: Jaymi and Troy's wedding, Omaha NE. I'll once again be playing the part of bridesmaid!
That's the year in a nutshell thus far! I will keep you posted the rest of the year...really! I promise!
Other goals this year:
1. keeping my blog up to date
2. Losing weight! I have way too many dresses to fit into this year! And, Jared and I agreed once we both lose 15lbs, we get to get a new computer!! YAY! We're going to invest in Wii Fit Plus with the biggest loser and blow the dust off the treadmill, hopefully this helps!
3. I'm going to start making my own home decor! My cousin Raelynn will be helping me with this!! I am starting with these things ( I can't expain) for my walls downstairs and moving to a headboard and baseboard for our new bed (well new bed that doesn't exist yet). This should be interesting...
4. I'm only thinking about starting to scrapbook! I will at least get all my photos into albums!
5. I'm also going to get more into photography. I'm planning on investing in a nice camera to enhance my photography skills...stay tuned! ;-)
6. Oh...and we're getting a new puppy!!!

Well that's my first blog of the year! Not too shabby eh?!? I'm attaching a photo, or going to try to anyway, of our deck after the storm and Jared snowblowing the day we left for Vegas!!
 Thanks for reading! I'd love your comments!


  1. OK...Me to the resue...Ill help in whatever way I can...Maybe tomorrow (Monday) we can have a phone date and I can help with the blog pictures, apperance, ect.... and Im going to go do a post about my "art" work on my walls....Let me know your schedule for tomorrow I work 7-4 (my time)!!

  2. Great job on your blog!!! I'll read it. OMG on the snow...yuck glad you have it and not me...:)
