Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Work work go away...

Hey all!
So I'm here again! I missed yesterday, which I'm anticipating i'll be missing days more often than not, but here I am back again! Yesterday was my first day off! That was a long 52 hour stretch in 5 days! Now i'm back on for 36 more! I cannot wait for my 3 day weekend this weekend!! Yesterday was great! I wanted to try to be up by noon (went to bed at 0745am), so that I could enjoy the day and get stuff done. Well, I must have been tired, because before I knew it, I had hit snooze all the way to 330!!! Oops! So once I dragged my groggy self out of bed, I started in on my house! My house is never dirty, per say, (I'm kinda a neat freak), however, I had been working so much that laundry tends to pile up and a few small things needed to be done...so on with that I went. I also took on that nasty job of taking down the Christmas stuff! We had two Christmas trees this year! I had gotten some energy last week before an 11pm shift to take one down, thank goodness. So I only had one to take down yesterday along with all the little decos all over! Such a chore, but what a good feeling when it's all done. My house feels so open now!! I'm feeling a re-arranging project coming on!
Speaking of projects...
I'm going to take on my first ever "art project" for my house! My cousin Raelynn (she has a great blog if you wanna follow it, Garnish It, is the name) is very crafty and during our recent stay with her in Vegas, she showed me some pretty cool things around her house that she has made! She recently posted the "how to" on her blog! So, that's my new project! I think I'll get started this weekend! I can't wait to see how they turn out! I'll be sure to blog about it ;-)
So if you read my last post, "Puppy Love" you are probably wondering if I got the dog or not?!!? Well, no. I didn't! I know I know, sad, however, the good news is that we are getting a dog!! It took some convincing, but Jared finally agreed under one circumstance...It has to be a girl! At first, I was upset, cuz I really wanted this one (I named him Pedro), but then I took a vote on facebook to see what was better boy or girl doggies. Hands down, girl doggies won. I was convinced after pretty much everyone told me that boy doggies like to pee on and hump things constantly...ummmmm, no thanks! I'm sure there are some good boy doggies. I know Raelynn has 2 great ones, but I'm not up for the challenge of dealing with pee and "humping" of my little Sophie Jo. So, a girl it is! I do have her named, but not found! Hahaha! I have a couple we are looking at, but the name will not be released until she comes home! :-) Let's hope that's this weekend! I'm getting a tiny bit stressed thinking about puppy training again, but I just have to remember how worth it it is once they are trained!
So I'm at work. I'm in the Ambulatory (outpatient zone) of the ER today, which I never usually am, so this is new to me. I kinda like it at this point. It's nice and quiet! This area is only open til 7pm and since I'm usually nights, I never work back here. I thought I would hate it, but it's a nice change. At 7pm, I'll move to the urgent zone until 11p and then off to home. Kinda nice getting off at 11! I sure am tired though, this is my normal sleep time. Let's hope I can sleep tonight.
So I'm almost done with the fourth book of the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn. The series has been great and I'm a little sad to be ending it. I'm trying to decide what to read next! Nick Sparks has a new one out, but I'm kinda hoping I can find another one by Jennifer Weiner, she's so funny! I'll have to google that today! Let me know if you have any suggestions!
Well I could type all day! I better stop blabbing for now. I'm sure I'll be back again tomorrow night! I work 7p-7a! Talk then!
...keep wondering!

1 comment:

  1. I noticed we have similar tastes in movies and books...and since you asked for good book suggestions, I HIGHLY recommend Emily Giffin. Her best book is Love the One You're With, with Something Borrowed a close second. Something Blue is great but should only be read after Something Borrowed!
    Anyway, I too enjoyed the Twilight series (I resisted for a long time, not wanting to jump on the proverbial bandwagon!)
    I'm a new blogger too and am still figuring this stuff out...keep up the good work!
