Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weekend at home...finally!

So, I finally had 3 days of doing whatever I wanted at home! :-) It was fabulous! Friday night, Jared and I along with our friends/neighbors, Seth/Corri drove about 35 miles to Yankton to enjoy all you can eat crablegs!! We definately got our money's worth. We filled about 3 buckets full of shells between the 4 of us and enjoyed dessert and other yummy foods as well. I only had shrimp with my crab, but the others enjoyed teriaki chicken, nachos, mashed potatoes, fried chicken, prime rib, amongst others. We all enjoyed some strawberry covered angel food cake as well! Needless to say, WE WERE STUFFED!! However, we found room in ourselves somewhere for some much needed drinks! So, we journeyed back to our small little hometown of Elk Point and went to the local bar, yes, we have one, two actually! Anyway, we enjoyed some drinks, tomato beers were my choice of beverage for the night, along with some cherry bombs! ;-) It was -35 out that night, yes, I said negative, so the hob tub sounded very very nice! We headed back to Seth and Corri's and jumped in! After a few more (not needed) drinks, we came up with the bright idea of doing our version of the Polar Plunge!!! We jumped outta the hot tub, ran into the snow drifts, rolled around, and then proceeded to have a snow fight before diving back into the hot tub (fyi- it BURNS to jump back in)! Yes, we are stupid for having done this, we realize that!! But it made for some unforgettable laughs!!

So Saturday, was absolute bliss! We were a little under the weather from our previous nights adventures so we slept til noon! Seth and Corri called to see if we'd like to join them for some greasy, Mexican, hangover food. Well of course we took them up on that offer!! YUM!
Jared had gotten a new smoker for Christmas that he was dying to try, so when we got home, I did laundry and hung out with him while he put his new smoker together and seasoned the meat. After he got that going we went downstairs and caught up on our DVR shows. We watched the premeires of the Biggest Loser and the Bachelorette. Both quite interesting. We also rented to movie Up...do not recommend it! We both fell asleep!
Finally, the meat was smoked so we got ready to eat....YUCK!! Jared accidentally added way too much salt and it was not edible. I felt so bad for him, he was so pumped to try it and then it turned out so terrible, he was quite bummed! We ended the night with a movie in bed! Great Saturday! :-)
So, if you're still reading...well you must have nothing to do with your time! ;-) I'm glad you are not bored yet! Sunday was great!!! I was going to go shopping/get a pedi/get groceries/have a little "me time" until Jared insisted we have "more together time". What a goober. So anyway, I agreed! Instead of going to do all my stuff alone, he agreed to come with, but first we had to get some chores done. We went to Ponka, NE, where Jared owns an apartment complex and we got a unit ready to be moved into this weekend. I scrubbed, replaced outlet and light switch covers, while he repaired sink stuff/water heater stuff, blah blah blah! So that was the not so fun part of the day, but at least I can say I helped. I never go to the apts with him, I'm usually working when he goes. After that, we went back to Sioux City and did a little shopping. I went to Michaels and found 2 carts fulls of great great deals...so therefore I forfeited my pedicure! I thougtht I had better not test his patience too much ;-) He was sweet enough to patiently watch me bargain shop! What a guy! Onto the grocery store we went! What were we thinking going to Wal-Mart on a Sunday afternoon!!??! Ugh...what Chaos!
Finally, we got back home, Jared put supper in the oven (pork loin) and made homemade garlic mashed potatoes! Yum. While waiting for the deliciousness to cook, we rocked out on band hero and again ended the night with a movie in bed! Word to the wise, do not watch Crank the movie before falling asleep, it makes for some pretty messed up dreams!
This morning we both woke up sick, wouldn't have anything to do with our Polar Plunge, I'm sure! ;-) So Jared stayed home with me all day and we literally slept allllll day! I had to get up to come to work tonight at 11p. Doc checked me out and just says my lungs are inflammed...it'll work itself out. Man, I'm such an idiot for doing that! Oh well, it's the price you pay! Feels like there is an elephant on my chest!! UGH!
I did get up and cooked a delicious supper tonight. See my blog for the recipe! It's one of my favorites!
That is all for now. Keep wondering...

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