Thursday, January 7, 2010

I come prepared...

So once again another blizzard comes to greet good ol' South Dakota! Lucky me, I get to come to work in the blizzard! Jared drove me to work, but not quite sure he'll be able to make it back to get me in the morning, so here's the bag I packed! Yes, I know it's huge, but my small one was too small and my big one was too big, well you figure it out, which one do you take?!? I caught lots of grief for the size of my bag, but at least I'm prepared to stay and sleep here until my shift starts again tomorrow night! Ugh, I can't wait until my 3day weekend! Let's hope I make it home and back tomorrow!
So let's see, what can I blog about! I feel like I'm running out of things to talk about, so I hope I'm not putting anyone to sleep!! So we talked and talked and talked about getting a puppy. I found the cutest little girl, Cocker Spaniel! However, we've decided that with the subartic temps and all the blizzards that now might not be the best time to try to train a lil' puppy! So, I think we came to the decision that we will look for another lil' pup this spring! :-) Now, Jared thinks we need a lab! Before he said no to big dogs due to our hardwood floors getting all scratched. All of the sudden now, he thinks a lab is the way to go! Men!!
So work has been crazy tonight! The worst part was I had to take a little girl away from her drunk, high on meth mother. Ugh...that's the crap part of my job! The rest of my cases have been okay, but since there is a blizzard, you'd think people would just stay home and be warm! Knock on wood, but it's finally pretty quite around here! It's 210 AM...maybe after I get my last patient to the floor (psych ward that is), maybe I'll get to finish up Breaking Dawn. I'm interested to see how it ends, but I'm ready to be done with this overrated series! I haven't even taken the time to see New Moon yet. I thought Twilight was pretty cheesy, but I guess i'll give New Moon a shot.
Well, that's about all I can think of to blab about for now. Soon, I plan to stop just blabbing and put some useful information on here! I plan to do a "room tour" of each room in my home...decos, etc! I also plan to put on some recipes, and some "home art projects" I plan on doing. So stay tuned people this could get interesting! ;-)
Keep wondering....

1 comment:

  1. WOO-HOO a lab...there the best (and my golden of course is too) would you like to borrow one of mine to test the waters? LOL
