Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ahhh Lazy Days...
So it's been awhile! I really haven't had much exciting going on to write about lately! I've had a pretty relaxing work schedule this week! Same amout of hours, just no long stretches! So I've gotten to spend a lot of lazy time at home. Monday and Tuesday Jared and I were both sick. I had to work 11p-7a on Monday night, but I made it, fever and all. The picture you see above is our lil' doggie Sophie Jo, enjoying some lazy time with us as well!!! :-) All snuggled up watching a movie with us...well, snoozing thru it with us! We rented Up and all three of us fell asleep, not a recommended movie...boring.
So the rest of this week has been slow, except for at work! We've had some very sick patients and the ER has been hopping! I have to say the most interesting of them all was the man who shoved two catnip balls up his rectum...I didn't say they were all medically sick, some sick in the head for sure! Sexual purposes are served with catnip balls these me old fashioned, but "No thanks!".
So I'm very pumped for tomorrow! I am hoping to watch the Vikings beat the crap outta those game closer to the superbowl!! Oh, how wonderful it'd be if they finally went...even if they didn't win!! :-) Jared and I are going to get up early and hit the grocery store for some good things to make for the game, then snuggle up with the big screen and root them on! SKOL VIKINGS!!
That's all I got for now...see told ya I am boring this week. I didn't want you to think I had already forgotten about my New Years Resolution! Speaking of which, I'm also keeping up with my weight loss resolution, so far 5lbs gone! :-) Keep wondering...

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