Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ahhh Lazy Days...
So it's been awhile! I really haven't had much exciting going on to write about lately! I've had a pretty relaxing work schedule this week! Same amout of hours, just no long stretches! So I've gotten to spend a lot of lazy time at home. Monday and Tuesday Jared and I were both sick. I had to work 11p-7a on Monday night, but I made it, fever and all. The picture you see above is our lil' doggie Sophie Jo, enjoying some lazy time with us as well!!! :-) All snuggled up watching a movie with us...well, snoozing thru it with us! We rented Up and all three of us fell asleep, not a recommended movie...boring.
So the rest of this week has been slow, except for at work! We've had some very sick patients and the ER has been hopping! I have to say the most interesting of them all was the man who shoved two catnip balls up his rectum...I didn't say they were all medically sick, some sick in the head for sure! Sexual purposes are served with catnip balls these me old fashioned, but "No thanks!".
So I'm very pumped for tomorrow! I am hoping to watch the Vikings beat the crap outta those game closer to the superbowl!! Oh, how wonderful it'd be if they finally went...even if they didn't win!! :-) Jared and I are going to get up early and hit the grocery store for some good things to make for the game, then snuggle up with the big screen and root them on! SKOL VIKINGS!!
That's all I got for now...see told ya I am boring this week. I didn't want you to think I had already forgotten about my New Years Resolution! Speaking of which, I'm also keeping up with my weight loss resolution, so far 5lbs gone! :-) Keep wondering...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lemon Spagetti with Lemon/Almond Crusted Tilapia

First of all, please excuse my old school plate. They were Jared's grandma's and we refuse to buy new ones until we get married and can register for them! That being said, here is one of my favorite meals. I got this from Rachel Ray, years ago. Here's what you'll need:
*Tilapia (I usually do 4-6 fillets)
*Spagetti noodles
*Heavy whipping cream
*Dry White Wine
*Shredded Parmesean Cheese
*Lemons (3)
*Extra Virgin Olive Oil
*Crushed Red Pepper
*Salt and Pepper
*Stick butter
*Sliced almonds
*Minced garlic
To make the Spagetti:
First heat a skillet to low and put almonds in the skillet.
Next boil water for the Spagetti, add spagetti.
After Almonds are warm, remove and set aside.
Do not rinse skillet, add EVOO, approx 2 TBSP minced garlic, 1-1.5 Tsp of Crushed Red pepper, keep on low heat and simmer
In the meantime...
In another skillet add EVOO and 2 tbsp of butter and let melt. Mix together 3 eggs and a dash of heavy whipping cream with salt and pepper to taste in a bowl, and coat fish fillets. Add to Skillet number two, cooking each side 4-5 minutes. Remove from pan, set aside, cover with tinfoil to keep hot.
While the fish is frying:
Add 1/2 c white wine to Skillet number 1. Let simmer for 2 minutes, then add 3/4 c heavy whipping cream. Zest one of the lemons over the mixture. Let simmer, then add 1 C. of the boiling water from the noodles to skillet number one and the juice of one lemon (the one you just zested). Drain noodles. Add parsely and basil to taste to skillet number one. Put noodles back in boil pan and poor skillet number 1 mixture over noodles, stir and keep on low heat. Add in whole bag of shredded parmesean cheese, keep on low heat stiring occasionally.
Back to Fish...
Once fish are removed, do not rinse pain, but add 2 tbsp of butter, cappers (however many you want), zest one lemon, add the juice of the lemon, add 1/2c white wine, and parsely, let simmer.
Time to eat:
Dish up noodles to amount desired
Add Fish to plate beside noodles
Pour spooonfuls of skilllet number 2 on top of fish
Slice lemon number 3 into slices and garnish top of fish
Eat and enjoy! :-)

Weekend at home...finally!

So, I finally had 3 days of doing whatever I wanted at home! :-) It was fabulous! Friday night, Jared and I along with our friends/neighbors, Seth/Corri drove about 35 miles to Yankton to enjoy all you can eat crablegs!! We definately got our money's worth. We filled about 3 buckets full of shells between the 4 of us and enjoyed dessert and other yummy foods as well. I only had shrimp with my crab, but the others enjoyed teriaki chicken, nachos, mashed potatoes, fried chicken, prime rib, amongst others. We all enjoyed some strawberry covered angel food cake as well! Needless to say, WE WERE STUFFED!! However, we found room in ourselves somewhere for some much needed drinks! So, we journeyed back to our small little hometown of Elk Point and went to the local bar, yes, we have one, two actually! Anyway, we enjoyed some drinks, tomato beers were my choice of beverage for the night, along with some cherry bombs! ;-) It was -35 out that night, yes, I said negative, so the hob tub sounded very very nice! We headed back to Seth and Corri's and jumped in! After a few more (not needed) drinks, we came up with the bright idea of doing our version of the Polar Plunge!!! We jumped outta the hot tub, ran into the snow drifts, rolled around, and then proceeded to have a snow fight before diving back into the hot tub (fyi- it BURNS to jump back in)! Yes, we are stupid for having done this, we realize that!! But it made for some unforgettable laughs!!

So Saturday, was absolute bliss! We were a little under the weather from our previous nights adventures so we slept til noon! Seth and Corri called to see if we'd like to join them for some greasy, Mexican, hangover food. Well of course we took them up on that offer!! YUM!
Jared had gotten a new smoker for Christmas that he was dying to try, so when we got home, I did laundry and hung out with him while he put his new smoker together and seasoned the meat. After he got that going we went downstairs and caught up on our DVR shows. We watched the premeires of the Biggest Loser and the Bachelorette. Both quite interesting. We also rented to movie not recommend it! We both fell asleep!
Finally, the meat was smoked so we got ready to eat....YUCK!! Jared accidentally added way too much salt and it was not edible. I felt so bad for him, he was so pumped to try it and then it turned out so terrible, he was quite bummed! We ended the night with a movie in bed! Great Saturday! :-)
So, if you're still reading...well you must have nothing to do with your time! ;-) I'm glad you are not bored yet! Sunday was great!!! I was going to go shopping/get a pedi/get groceries/have a little "me time" until Jared insisted we have "more together time". What a goober. So anyway, I agreed! Instead of going to do all my stuff alone, he agreed to come with, but first we had to get some chores done. We went to Ponka, NE, where Jared owns an apartment complex and we got a unit ready to be moved into this weekend. I scrubbed, replaced outlet and light switch covers, while he repaired sink stuff/water heater stuff, blah blah blah! So that was the not so fun part of the day, but at least I can say I helped. I never go to the apts with him, I'm usually working when he goes. After that, we went back to Sioux City and did a little shopping. I went to Michaels and found 2 carts fulls of great great therefore I forfeited my pedicure! I thougtht I had better not test his patience too much ;-) He was sweet enough to patiently watch me bargain shop! What a guy! Onto the grocery store we went! What were we thinking going to Wal-Mart on a Sunday afternoon!!??! Ugh...what Chaos!
Finally, we got back home, Jared put supper in the oven (pork loin) and made homemade garlic mashed potatoes! Yum. While waiting for the deliciousness to cook, we rocked out on band hero and again ended the night with a movie in bed! Word to the wise, do not watch Crank the movie before falling asleep, it makes for some pretty messed up dreams!
This morning we both woke up sick, wouldn't have anything to do with our Polar Plunge, I'm sure! ;-) So Jared stayed home with me all day and we literally slept allllll day! I had to get up to come to work tonight at 11p. Doc checked me out and just says my lungs are'll work itself out. Man, I'm such an idiot for doing that! Oh well, it's the price you pay! Feels like there is an elephant on my chest!! UGH!
I did get up and cooked a delicious supper tonight. See my blog for the recipe! It's one of my favorites!
That is all for now. Keep wondering...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Home Designs: Part One

Alright! So I'm bored at work and I'm thinking no better time to start sharing my "creative projects". So here are the first two...with many more to come!

So this one is one of my favorites! This one was inspired by my love to show off my wonderful relationship! I waited many years for a man like Jared and now that I have him, I cherish every memory! (okay, you can gag now). For this, I just bought what I thought was a funky curtain rod. Then went to Hobby Lobby and found 4 different types of Ribbon in two different colors (sage and chocolate, my living room colors). I bought some shear sage and shear chocolate and then a solid sage and solid choclate. I then found 8 frames 4 in chocolate, 4 in sage, each in a set of their own including a 4X6 and a 5x7. I then had 4 5x7's printed of some of our favorite pics and 4 4x6's. I tried to just place them sporadically with the different ribbons. I then created my own wall quote from UpperCase Living in a Chocolate font to go underneath...and there ya have it. This hangs on the wall that leads to our downstairs, perfect spot for it!

This is my second "creative project" for this blog! I actually have to give Jared a LITTLE bit of credit for this one. He had the idea that doing something with old windows would be fun. The rest I took upon myself. So, we found three old windows on my brothers farm. I debated on wheater or not to completely redo them, but came to the conclusion that the more weathered and beat up, the better, so I left them. I then printed out tons of pics 5x7's and 4x6's in a sepia color. I did not print pics of just us, but of loved ones, us with friends, family, vacations, etc. Pretty much pictures that show us enjoying life to the fullest! My favorite is the one of Jared airborne after zip lining into the water! I would have done one with me zip lining too, but my face just looks to frightened! :-) I then taped the pics with very small strips of tape (so you can barely see them) to the windows. And once again, I created my own quote from UpperCase Living which says, "In life, we prefer the window seat". This is in our hallway upstairs. Again, a perfect spot for this project!!
Hope you enjoy these projects.
Keep wondering...

I come prepared...

So once again another blizzard comes to greet good ol' South Dakota! Lucky me, I get to come to work in the blizzard! Jared drove me to work, but not quite sure he'll be able to make it back to get me in the morning, so here's the bag I packed! Yes, I know it's huge, but my small one was too small and my big one was too big, well you figure it out, which one do you take?!? I caught lots of grief for the size of my bag, but at least I'm prepared to stay and sleep here until my shift starts again tomorrow night! Ugh, I can't wait until my 3day weekend! Let's hope I make it home and back tomorrow!
So let's see, what can I blog about! I feel like I'm running out of things to talk about, so I hope I'm not putting anyone to sleep!! So we talked and talked and talked about getting a puppy. I found the cutest little girl, Cocker Spaniel! However, we've decided that with the subartic temps and all the blizzards that now might not be the best time to try to train a lil' puppy! So, I think we came to the decision that we will look for another lil' pup this spring! :-) Now, Jared thinks we need a lab! Before he said no to big dogs due to our hardwood floors getting all scratched. All of the sudden now, he thinks a lab is the way to go! Men!!
So work has been crazy tonight! The worst part was I had to take a little girl away from her drunk, high on meth mother. Ugh...that's the crap part of my job! The rest of my cases have been okay, but since there is a blizzard, you'd think people would just stay home and be warm! Knock on wood, but it's finally pretty quite around here! It's 210 AM...maybe after I get my last patient to the floor (psych ward that is), maybe I'll get to finish up Breaking Dawn. I'm interested to see how it ends, but I'm ready to be done with this overrated series! I haven't even taken the time to see New Moon yet. I thought Twilight was pretty cheesy, but I guess i'll give New Moon a shot.
Well, that's about all I can think of to blab about for now. Soon, I plan to stop just blabbing and put some useful information on here! I plan to do a "room tour" of each room in my home...decos, etc! I also plan to put on some recipes, and some "home art projects" I plan on doing. So stay tuned people this could get interesting! ;-)
Keep wondering....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Work work go away...

Hey all!
So I'm here again! I missed yesterday, which I'm anticipating i'll be missing days more often than not, but here I am back again! Yesterday was my first day off! That was a long 52 hour stretch in 5 days! Now i'm back on for 36 more! I cannot wait for my 3 day weekend this weekend!! Yesterday was great! I wanted to try to be up by noon (went to bed at 0745am), so that I could enjoy the day and get stuff done. Well, I must have been tired, because before I knew it, I had hit snooze all the way to 330!!! Oops! So once I dragged my groggy self out of bed, I started in on my house! My house is never dirty, per say, (I'm kinda a neat freak), however, I had been working so much that laundry tends to pile up and a few small things needed to be on with that I went. I also took on that nasty job of taking down the Christmas stuff! We had two Christmas trees this year! I had gotten some energy last week before an 11pm shift to take one down, thank goodness. So I only had one to take down yesterday along with all the little decos all over! Such a chore, but what a good feeling when it's all done. My house feels so open now!! I'm feeling a re-arranging project coming on!
Speaking of projects...
I'm going to take on my first ever "art project" for my house! My cousin Raelynn (she has a great blog if you wanna follow it, Garnish It, is the name) is very crafty and during our recent stay with her in Vegas, she showed me some pretty cool things around her house that she has made! She recently posted the "how to" on her blog! So, that's my new project! I think I'll get started this weekend! I can't wait to see how they turn out! I'll be sure to blog about it ;-)
So if you read my last post, "Puppy Love" you are probably wondering if I got the dog or not?!!? Well, no. I didn't! I know I know, sad, however, the good news is that we are getting a dog!! It took some convincing, but Jared finally agreed under one circumstance...It has to be a girl! At first, I was upset, cuz I really wanted this one (I named him Pedro), but then I took a vote on facebook to see what was better boy or girl doggies. Hands down, girl doggies won. I was convinced after pretty much everyone told me that boy doggies like to pee on and hump things constantly...ummmmm, no thanks! I'm sure there are some good boy doggies. I know Raelynn has 2 great ones, but I'm not up for the challenge of dealing with pee and "humping" of my little Sophie Jo. So, a girl it is! I do have her named, but not found! Hahaha! I have a couple we are looking at, but the name will not be released until she comes home! :-) Let's hope that's this weekend! I'm getting a tiny bit stressed thinking about puppy training again, but I just have to remember how worth it it is once they are trained!
So I'm at work. I'm in the Ambulatory (outpatient zone) of the ER today, which I never usually am, so this is new to me. I kinda like it at this point. It's nice and quiet! This area is only open til 7pm and since I'm usually nights, I never work back here. I thought I would hate it, but it's a nice change. At 7pm, I'll move to the urgent zone until 11p and then off to home. Kinda nice getting off at 11! I sure am tired though, this is my normal sleep time. Let's hope I can sleep tonight.
So I'm almost done with the fourth book of the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn. The series has been great and I'm a little sad to be ending it. I'm trying to decide what to read next! Nick Sparks has a new one out, but I'm kinda hoping I can find another one by Jennifer Weiner, she's so funny! I'll have to google that today! Let me know if you have any suggestions!
Well I could type all day! I better stop blabbing for now. I'm sure I'll be back again tomorrow night! I work 7p-7a! Talk then!
...keep wondering!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Puppy Love...

Well, it's day two and here I am again! So far so good! So my latest distraction is this adorable little cockapoo that I laid eyes on!! Isn't he adorable?!?! I've been thinking for quite sometime that Sophie needs a little sister or brother and I think I found him!! Now, my biggest dilema is trying to convince Jared that we need a second dog! Sophie gets so bored and lonely! I just think this would be a wonderful thing for her...and the new pup too! Doesn't she just look like she belongs in our family. So I was talking to Jared about it today and he said if I sold one of my Coach bags, I could get it...well he didn't expect I would go for that!! To his surprise, I was all about it!! So then he said, "no, it's not really about the money! I'm just not so sure another dog is a good idea right now!" So, I am thinking since he already made a deal, its a done one! I'm posting one of my Coach's on Ebay!! ;-) ...hopefully! I guess we're going to "talk about it tomorrow". I just hope this little sweetheart is still available!
On another subject...
Jared got home from the Hills today!! :-) It was a long 4 days without him and Sophie and I were delighted to see him this afternoon. Unfortunately, it was only for a couple hours and then I had to head back to work...blah! It was sure hard leaving him and Sophie all snuggled up in bed watching a movie! I sure can't wait for our snugglefest next weekend! To make it better, Jared brought me home some Christmas presents from his family and I got a very cozy new robe, slippers, and blanket! All the softest material ever! I think I'll live in all three of those this weekend, hopefully while cuddling with Jared, Sophie, AND the new pup!
So as of 7am today (Monday) I will have put in 52 hours in the last 5 days and I finally get ONE off and then back for 36 more! I am not sure what to do on my only day off! I think I will clean, read, relax, of course rock out on the drums on band hero, it's finally home (Jared stole it for the weekend), laundry, and then settle in with some good eats and watch the premiere of the bachelor. Although, I am not very crazy about Jake, hopefully he's less of a fruit this go-round!
Well this is all I got for now. I'm at work for another 6 hours and hopefully it's a quiet night again! If so, I may be back on to blog again! ;-) Wish me luck on my new puppy!! blogger help needed!!

I need to know how to attach pics to specific posts and how to make them smaller!?!?! Help!!

Happy 2010...

So I'm back! I've decided that one of my new resolutions this year is to keep up on my blog!! I really really want to keep this resolution! I started this summer and lost interest fast. However, I have found lately that I love updating my status on facebook all too often on what i'm up to, so I figure this may be a more detailed, fun way to let the world in on my own little world!
Lets see...
Well since this is my first one of the year, I suppose I better update you! The end of the year was a good one for the most part! It ended with a huge snow storm and a trip to Vegas! The day before Christmas Eve a huge strom moved in on good ol' South Dakota! We had a flight scheduled for Christmas Eve night, that I was sure we were going to have to miss! Lucky for us, we made our flight and just after our take off, the airports and interstates were closed! Talk about "the nick of time"!
Once we got to Vegas Jared and I kicked up our feet and relaxed. We were not sad to leave the ice, wind, and 22 inches of snow behind at home. We spent some time with family, a whole day on the strip, and had lunch with an old high school friend. Great trip! Our day on the strip consisted of lots of Black Jack (we won!), some drinks, great seafood, and then the Bodies Exhibit! It was quite interesting to me, not so much to Jared, although he wasn't as grossed out as I thought he might be!! Who'd of though dead bodies could be so interesting...and so not gross!!!
So since we've been home, I've been working, working, working!! As of tomorrow, I'll have put in 53 hours in in the last 5 days, get one off and back for another 36!! UGH!! Then I get 3 days off!~ It's going to be a Jared and Marggie snugglefest!!! He's been gone to the Black Hills for the last four days to celebrate Christmas with his family...I sure miss him! He'll be home today!!! :-)
So I didn't have the best last day of 2009! I ended up having to have a cyst removed and getting 4 stiches! I did do my one good deed for 2010 (yes, i'm couting it for this year)! I let a student do my stitches! I guess I remember all too well what it was like to be a student! I definately made his day!! Unfortunately, I'm still in a stint of pain!
So this year is full of fun events! Here they are in a nutshell...thus far!!
January 8-9: Marggie and Jared Snugglefest 2010 (much needed weekend at home)
January 10: Possibly meeting one of my besties Wendy and her Fiance' Matt in Sioux Falls for dinner! In March, it'll have been a year since I've seen her! :-( They live in Boise, ID
March 19-21: Jared's yearly fishing trip, which in turn = Marggie's much needed girls weekend
May 22: My friend Debby's Wedding in Huron/Yale South Dakota
May 29th: I'm putting on the bachelorette party/bridal shower of the century for Loni. Yes, I'm going for Maid of Honor of the year award!!
June 12th: Jared's Cousin Hollist's Wedding. I believe it's in Flanderu, SD
June 19th: Loni and Brett's wedding in Iroquois/Huron SD. I'll be playing the part of MOH!! :-) Eeeek, I should pri start preparing my speech!
June 26th: Wendy and Matt's wedding in Chamberlin, SD. I'll be playing the part of Bridesmaid!! Yes, always a bridesmaid, never a bride...yet! ;-)
June 27-July 3rd: Recovering from all the weddings in June!!!
July 24th: Shalace and Jason's Wedding
August: No for sure dates, but Sturgis Rally, Jason and Sheena's wedding, and our 10 year, yes, 10 year class reunion this month!!
September 4th: Megan and Adams Wedding, Sioux city area
October: weddings this month! Maybe, just maybe there will be ;-)
November 6th: Jaymi and Troy's wedding, Omaha NE. I'll once again be playing the part of bridesmaid!
That's the year in a nutshell thus far! I will keep you posted the rest of the year...really! I promise!
Other goals this year:
1. keeping my blog up to date
2. Losing weight! I have way too many dresses to fit into this year! And, Jared and I agreed once we both lose 15lbs, we get to get a new computer!! YAY! We're going to invest in Wii Fit Plus with the biggest loser and blow the dust off the treadmill, hopefully this helps!
3. I'm going to start making my own home decor! My cousin Raelynn will be helping me with this!! I am starting with these things ( I can't expain) for my walls downstairs and moving to a headboard and baseboard for our new bed (well new bed that doesn't exist yet). This should be interesting...
4. I'm only thinking about starting to scrapbook! I will at least get all my photos into albums!
5. I'm also going to get more into photography. I'm planning on investing in a nice camera to enhance my photography skills...stay tuned! ;-)
6. Oh...and we're getting a new puppy!!!

Well that's my first blog of the year! Not too shabby eh?!? I'm attaching a photo, or going to try to anyway, of our deck after the storm and Jared snowblowing the day we left for Vegas!!
 Thanks for reading! I'd love your comments!